General Policy for Admission


1.         Admission in any category will be liable to cancellation if it is not through proper admission form.

2.         List of the selected candidates will be displayed on the notice board according to the schedule notified. 

3.         The selected candidates have to pay the fee and complete all the required formalities of admission and enrollment within the stipulated period.

4.         Candidates, who fail to fulfill the admission requirements with the specified time, shall not be allowed to attend the class and his/her admission shall be cancelled and the seat shall be given to the next top candidate in the waiting list.


In case of more candidates applied than the seats allotted to the Institute by the PNC, the eligibility will be adopted in the following way:-

            1.         Pre-requisite Qualification                             =          60%

            2.         Entry Test                                                        =          20%

            3.         Interview                                                         =          20%

            ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                            Total                =          100%

The gradation will be applied for admission shall be based on the pre-requisite qualification, but also on the candidate’s performance in the written and interview which eventually decides the eligibility or other-wise of admission.





General Policy for Students

All students are required to comply with rules notified by the Amanullah khan medical & nursing institute, mansehra from time to time. The violation of the following instructions renders the students liable to strict disciplinary action such as fine or expulsion from the institute.

1.                   A student is entitled to a maximum of six absentees in a course. Absence is not allowed in examination days. A student absenting himself in the examination without any plausible reason shall render himself liable to a fine of Rs. 200/- per day.

2.                   Absence fine of Rs. 50/- per period and Rs.100/- per day will be imposed. A student coming late in the classroom will be marked absent.

3.                   Fee should be paid according to the schedule. The institute will announce the prescribed date for fee depositing on the notice board and therefore, takes no responsibility to inform each student individually. A fine of Rs.100/- per day will be charged if the payment is made after due date.

4.                   Students are not allowed to collect funds for any purpose what so ever with-out the prior permission of the Management of the institute.

5.                   The institute has the due right to recommend penalty for misbehaving in the classroom.

6.                   Students are absolutely not allowed to see visitors during teaching hours or receive phone call except in an extra ordinary circumstances.

7.                   No student is allowed to paste, exhibit prepare or distribute any poster leaflet notice, pamphlet or hand bill, what so ever in the institute premises.

8.                   Political or immoral activity of any kind is strictly prohibited in or around the premises.

9.                   Smoking is strictly prohibited in the campus.

10.               The institute reserves the right to change any or all the rules and regulations at any time during the course of time in the large interest of the institute or those of the students.

11.               The institute does not accept any liability or responsibility for any failure or delay in the performance due to any cause beyond its control such as fire, natural distastes, power failure, riots, political interest or acts of public authorities, etc.



Discipline Rules and Code of Conduct


1.                  Every student of the institute shall be expected to lead the life of total commitment to Islam both in and out of the campus. The institute also expects the students to conduct themselves as honest responsible and law abiding members of the academic community and respect the rights of the other student members of the faculty, staff and public. 

2.                  Student conduct which disrupts or violates the personal and property rights of others is prohibited and may invite disciplinary action against them.

3.                  Any willful damage to the institute property will be considered a deliberate act of in-discipline and shall therefore, be dealt with accordingly.

4.                  Any student found to have committed a violation of student’s code of conduct shall be liable to disciplinary action.

5.                  Offences like acts of dishonesty harassment assault of any kind drug use, drug possession, possession of arms, illegal and disruptive conduct theft, misuse of property etc are so serious that could lead the one who commits any of them, to serious disciplinary action including expulsion from the institute permanently or for a specific period of time.

6.                  In-case of disciplinary action against a guilty students resulting into his/her expulsion from the institute he/she shall not be entitled for any financial or academic comprehension.

7.                  The institute reserves the right to dismiss the students for violation of its policies and regulations or for conduct prejudiced to the best interest of the institute.


Fee Concession Policy

The fee concession policy shall not be claimed as matter of right. The concession in the fee shall rather be discretion of the management of the institute to decide in-favor or otherwise. However the institute can consider the fee concession in the following circumstances.

1.                   In-cases of admission of two real brothers or sisters in the institute, the concession in the fee at the rate of 10% of the tuition fee shall be admissible to the student who takes first admission.

2.                   The fee concession at the rate of 10% shall be admissible to all the students who deposit their fee in lump sum for the entire semester before the start of the session.

3.                   10% fee concession is also awarded to the students who are Hafiz-e-Quran or disabled or Govt. Teachers Sons/Daughters.

4.                   A big offer of 50% concession is awarded to the topers in the 3 of the Board or University examination.

5.                   The fee concession committee under the Chair of the Managing Director, Amanullah Khan Medical & Nursing Institute, Mansehra and Education Department Nominee has also the right to decide fee concession for only one of the poor and needy students studying at the institute.



Fee Depositing Rules


1.                  All candidates shall deposit the fee and subscriptions before the last date as per schedule announced by the University and (Aman Ullah Khan Medical & Nursing Institute.


2.                  Late Fee will be deposited if fee is not deposited by the due date; Fee once paid shall not be refunded.


3.                  The Fee shall be paid in advance before the start of session or as notified by the institute.


4.                  All the dues shall be deposited in cash with the accountant by getting proper receipt.



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